SSFF: Zeebo – Brazil’s Bizarre Delisted Console | Past-Mortem

Boy howdy, this one’s been in the oven for a hot minute! But between having written the initial script draft and now watching the final product; I’m proud to say that this latest video is probably one of my proudest contributions in covering games history, and that the story of TecToy’s Zeebo can finally be told in the detail its never been fully granted. Perhaps one day, I’ll still wind up doing a written ‘Console Review’ for the site that can go into even further detail? But for now, I do hope that this episode of Stop Skeletons From Fighting should suffice: So far, feedback on the video from the Brazilian audience has been super appreciative, and thanked us for shining a light on subjects seemingly unknown to the larger gaming world. I’m just happy to have played my part in it all.

Cassidy is the curator of a bad video game hall of fame. Whether you interpret that as "a hall of fame dedicated to bad video games" or as "a sub-par hall of fame for video games" is entirely up to you. Goes by "They / Them" pronouns.

Genuine cowpoke.

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