SSFF: Resident Evil 4’s Bizarre Mobile Ports | DELISTED

I had a hand in helping produce the latest couple of episodes for Stop Skeletons From Fighting’s DELISTED series! For starters, I wrote a brief on the J2ME versions of Resident Evil: Degeneration, as part of Derek and Grace’s look at the more fully-featured N-Gage 2.0 and iOS versions — for their episode titled “The Lost Resident Evil 4.5 | RE: Degeneration.” While certainly not the focal point of the video, I’m glad I got to write in a mention for them nonetheless, to help present the larger story as comprehensively as possible.

My contributions to the “Resident Evil 4’s Bizarre Mobile Ports” episode are a fair bit more substantial: I was put in charge of leading research, writing the script draft, and even capturing an odd bit of footage of the Android version. It took a lot of quadruple-checking to get some of the research details right, between a ton of misinformation regarding the game presented on the web. Figuring out so much as the correct release date was a process more complicated than it had any right to be! In any case, get a load of that Zeebo gameplay, eh? Gee, I’d sure love to share more cool facts with y’all about that odd piece of kit. Soon enough, I suppose…

Cassidy is the curator of a bad video game hall of fame. Whether you interpret that as "a hall of fame dedicated to bad video games" or as "a sub-par hall of fame for video games" is entirely up to you. Goes by "They / Them" pronouns.

Genuine cowpoke.

Contact: E-mail | Twitter

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