The Bad Game Hall of Fame on Patreon!

For those interested in supporting the Bad Game Hall of Fame monetarily, we’ve just launched our page on Patreon! I’m still working out what sorts of perks and rewards are worth putting up and providing, and the logistics of how best to deliver them, but please know that I will always remain wholly committed to providing on promised goals and incentives.

Also, to be clear: I don’t intend to gate new articles behind a paywall, or hold back finished content for any length of time. The Patreon simply exists to provide a way for people to support the site, if they’re so inclined! Continuing to grow the site is still a priority, and I don’t think I’m going to be able to accomplish that by locking away and hiding the site’s core content.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

Cassidy is the curator of a bad video game hall of fame. Whether you interpret that as "a hall of fame dedicated to bad video games" or as "a sub-par hall of fame for video games" is entirely up to you. Goes by "They / Them" pronouns.

Genuine cowpoke.

Contact: E-mail | Twitter

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